1 | 50 STATE EQUAL PAY REFERENCE GUIDE AS OF NOVEMBER 2024 Dear Clients and Friends, For organizations that operate in multiple states, tracking the ever-changing requirements related to equal pay issues can pose daunting challenges and the growing “ripple effect” of such requirements is being felt across industries and sectors. To simplify the process, we are pleased to provide you with our Eighth Annual 50 State Equal Pay Reference Guide: What Employers Need to Know about US Equal Pay Laws, including a new Pay Transparency Wage Range Disclosure Compendium. This one-stop resource provides answers to the following common questions: • Which classes are protected by the Equal Pay laws? • What type of work must be compared? • May employers ask about salary history? • What are the permissible factors that explain pay differences? • What are the compensation disclosure requirements (including pay reporting)? This guide addresses laws that impact private employers and is based on a review of state laws. This guide also provides information about the life cycle of a pay equity analysis. The information contained in this booklet is purposely condensed and simplified; while it provides a convenient point of reference, always consult with your attorney before making any decisions. For additional information, please email payequity@seyfarth.com. All of the members of Seyfarth’s Pay Equity Group look forward to working with you and partnering with you in navigating these issues in 2024 both in the United States and around the globe. We stand with you to support these efforts and look forward to continuing to provide you with the up-to-date resources you need. We hope this booklet proves a useful and informative tool. It does not constitute legal advice or create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not hesitate to contact payequity@seyfarth.com if you have any questions.