50 State Equal Pay Reference Guide - 2024 Q4 Edition

Jurisdiction Statewide Salary Range Disclosure Requirements Local Jurisdiction Salary Range Disclosure Requirements Statewide Pay Reporting DC District of Columbia Employers must post the minimum and maximum projected salary or hourly pay in all job listings and position descriptions advertised. In stating the minimum and maximum salary or hourly pay for the position, the range shall extend from the lowest to the highest salary or hourly pay that the employer in good faith believes at the time of the posting it would pay for the advertised job, promotion, or transfer opportunity. Employers must disclose to prospective employees the existence of health care benefits that employees may receive before the first interview. The law does not define “first interview.” If not provided in disclosures, prospective employees may inquire about these disclosures. Employers must post a notice in its workplace notifying employees of their rights under the Act. No local provisions located No pay reporting FL Florida No state law No local provisions located No pay reporting GA Georgia No state law No local provisions located No pay reporting HI Hawaii Employers must include hourly rate or salary range reasonably reflecting the actual expected compensation on job listings, except job listings for: (1) positions that are internal transfers or promotions with a current employer; (2) public employee positions for which salary, benefits, or other compensation are determined pursuant to collective bargaining; or (3) positions with employers having fewer than fifty employees. No local provisions located No pay reporting ID Idaho No state law No local provisions located No pay reporting WWW.SEYFARTH.COM | 12