50 State Equal Pay Reference Guide - 2024 Q4 Edition

Jurisdiction Statewide Salary Range Disclosure Requirements Local Jurisdiction Salary Range Disclosure Requirements Statewide Pay Reporting MA Massachusetts No state law Effective 7/31/25: Employers must disclose in each posting the pay range for the position. Employers must also disclose the pay range to applicants and employees upon request and to employees who are offered a promotion or transfer to a new position with different job responsibilities. “Pay range” means the annual salary range or hourly wage range that the employer reasonably and in good faith expects to pay for such position at that time. No local provisions located No pay reporting Effective 7/31/25: Employers with 100 or more employees in the Commonwealth at any time during the prior calendar year must submit, no later than February 1st annually, an EEO-1 data report that includes workforce demographic and pay data categorized by race, ethnicity, sex, and job category. Currently, EEO-1 Reports do not include pay data. MI Michigan No state law No local provisions located No pay reporting WWW.SEYFARTH.COM | 18