50 State Equal Pay Reference Guide - 2024 Q4 Edition

Jurisdiction Statewide Salary Range Disclosure Requirements Local Jurisdiction Salary Range Disclosure Requirements Statewide Pay Reporting NY New York In an advertisement for a job, promotion, or transfer opportunity that will physically be performed, at least in part, in the state of New York, or performed outside of New York but that reports to a New York supervisor or location, employers must disclose: (1) the compensation or a range of compensation; and (2) the job description if such description exists. For jobs, promotions, or transfer opportunities paid solely on commission, employer must disclose in writing in a general statement that compensation shall be based on commission. NYC: Employer must include minimum and maximum annual salary or hourly wage on advertisements for a job, promotion or transfer opportunity. In stating the minimum and maximum annual salary or hourly wage for a position, the range may extend from the lowest to the highest annual salary or hourly wage the employer in good faith believes at the time of the posting it would pay for the advertised job, promotion or transfer opportunity. Ithaca: Employer must include minimum and maximum hourly or salary compensation on advertisements for a job, promotion or transfer opportunity. In stating the minimum and maximum hourly or salary compensation for a position, the range may extend from the lowest to the highest hourly or salary compensation the employer in good faith believes at the time of the posting it would pay for the advertised job, promotion or transfer opportunity. Albany County: Employer must include minimum and maximum salary or hourly wage on an advertisement for a job, promotion, or transfer opportunity. In stating the minimum and maximum salary or hourly wage for a position, the range may extend from the lowest to highest salary the employer in good faith believes at the time of the posting it would pay for the advertised job, promotion, or transfer opportunity. No pay reporting NC North Carolina No state law No local provisions located No pay reporting ND North Dakota No state law No local provisions located No pay reporting WWW.SEYFARTH.COM | 28