50 State Equal Pay Reference Guide - 2024 Q4 Edition

Jurisdiction Statewide Salary Range Disclosure Requirements Local Jurisdiction Salary Range Disclosure Requirements Statewide Pay Reporting PR Puerto Rico No state law No local provisions located No pay reporting RI Rhode Island Upon request, an employer must provide to a job applicant the wage range for the position for which the applicant applied. The employer should provide a wage range prior to discussing compensation. An employer must provide a current employee the wage range for the employee’s position; (1) at hire; (2) when the employee moves into a new position; or (3) upon the employee’s request. For applicants, “wage range” is defined as the wage range the employer anticipates relying on in setting wages for the position and may include reference to any applicable pay scale, previously determined range of wages for the position, the actual range of wages for those currently holding equivalent positions, or the budgeted amount for the position, as applicable. For current employees, “wage range” may include reference to any applicable pay scale, previously determined range of wages for the position, or the range of wages for incumbents in equivalent positions, as applicable. No local provisions located No pay reporting WWW.SEYFARTH.COM | 32