Cal-Peculiarities: How California Employment Law is Different - 2024 Edition

292 | 2024 Cal-Peculiarities ©2024 Seyfarth Shaw LLP  LC § Description Penalty 2353 Fans. Employers must use properly fitted exhaust fans or blowers with pipes and hoods to prevent dust, filaments, or injurious gases from escaping into the atmosphere of any room where employees work. LC 2699 2440 First Aid. All employers must comply with standards for medical services and first aid adopted by Occupational Safety & Health Standards Board. LC 2699 2441 Free, Fresh, and Pure Drinking Water. Employers must provide fresh, free, and pure drinking water for employees, at reasonable and convenient times and places. LC 2441(a): offenses subject to $50- $200 fines 26502667 Industrial Homework. No industrial homework is permitted in various industries, including manufacture of food items, garments, toys and dolls, tobacco, drugs and poisons, bandages and other sanitary goods, explosives, fireworks. Licenses are required for other industrial homework. LC 2699; LC 2658.5 6314 Workplace Inspections by Division of Occupational Safety and Health. Employers must give DOSH free access to employer premises to inspect and gather information (including statistics and physical materials), and to speak privately with employees regarding safety issues. Employers must post and comply with any order to preserve accident site or related physical materials. LC 2699 6318 Posting Citations, Orders, Actions Related to OSHA Violations. Employers must post, at or near each place of violation and for three working days or until condition is abated, whichever is longer, any DOSH citation or order. Employers also must post notice regarding abatement of violation. The employee notification must include (1) notice that the division investigated the workplace and found one or more workplace safety or health violations; (2) notice that the investigation resulted in one or more citations or orders, which the employer is required to post at or near the place of the violation for three working days or until the unsafe condition is corrected, whichever is longer; (3) notice that the employer is required to communicate any hazards at the workplace to employees in a language and manner they understand; and (4) contact information for the division and the internet website where employees can search for citations against their employer. LC 2699 6325 Removal of Notices Prohibiting Entry to Hazardous Area. No unauthorized person shall remove a DOSH notice preventing entry into an area DOSH has identified as an imminent hazard to employees until the hazard has been determined to be abated. LC 2699 6326 Entry / Use of Hazardous Area. After notice has been posted pursuant to section 6325, it is unlawful for anyone to enter the area or use or operate equipment or device before it is made safe (except for purpose of abating safety issue), or to deface, destroy, or remove the notice without the division’s authority. LC 2699; LC 6326 6328 Postings. Employers must post safety notices in both English and Spanish. For postings, see n/a; LC 2699(g)(2)