52 | 2024 Cal-Peculiarities ©2024 Seyfarth Shaw LLP www.seyfarth.com 160 Emeryville Municipal Code Chap. 37, § 5-37.03, available at http://www.codepublishing.com/CA/Emeryville/#!/emeryville05/Emeryville0537.html#5-37 (last visited Mar. 6, 2023). See also Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), available at https://www.ci.emeryville.ca.us/DocumentCenter/View/9092 (last visited Mar. 6, 2023). 161 Long Beach Municipal Code 5.48.020, available at https://library.municode.com/ca/long_beach/codes/municipal_code. (last visited Mar. 20, 2024). 162 The City of Los Angeles’ paid sick leave provisions are found in Los Angeles Municipal Code, ch. XVIII, art. 7, § 187.04, available at https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/los_angeles/latest/lamc/0-0-0-209549 (last visited Mar. 24, 2024), and its enforcement provisions are found at ch. XVIII, art. 8, §§ 188.05-188.11, available at https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/los_angeles/latest/lamc/0-0-0-288106 (last visited Mar. 20, 2024). 163 Id. ch. XVIII, art. 7, § 187.04(G). 164 https://wagesla.lacity.org/sites/g/files/wph1941/files/2021-09/COVID19-SPSL-RR-20210628.pdf (last visited Mar. 20, 2024) (providing that covered reasons included time off work (1) because public health officials or healthcare providers required or recommended that the employee isolate or quarantine to prevent the spread of disease, (2) because the employee was 65 or older or had a serious chronic medical condition, (3) because the employee’s business or a work location temporarily ceased operations in response to a public health recommendation or mandate, (4) to provide care for a family member, by blood or affinity, who was not sick but who public health officials or healthcare providers required or recommended isolate or quarantine, and (5) to provide care for a family member whose school, child care provider, senior care provider, or work temporarily ceased operations in response to a public health recommendation or mandate that was made to prevent the spread of disease). 165 https://bca.lacity.org/living-wages-ordinance-lwo (last visited Mar. 24, 2024). 166 Id. § 10.37.2(b) & (c). 167 Id. § 10.37.2(b)(3). 168 Id. 169 Id. 170 Id. 171 Id. 172 Id. § 10.37.2(b)(4). 173 Id. 174 Id. 175 Oakland Municipal Code, tit. 5, ch. 5.92, § 5.92.030, available at https://www.municode.com/library/ca/oakland/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=TIT5BUTAPERE_CH5.92CIMIWASILEOTEMST_5.92.0 30PASILE (last visited Mar. 24, 2024). 176 Office of the Oakland City Attorney, Frequently Asked Questions, Measure FF (Feb. 5, 2015), available at http://www.oaklandcityattorney.org/PDFS/Guides%20and%20FAQs/Revised%20Measure%20FF%20FAQ%20Feb%202015.pdf, FAQ No. 17 (last visited Mar. 24, 2024) (“Employers may risk a violation of Oakland’s Paid Sick Leave law if they simply frontload … paid sick leave at the beginning of the year.”). 177 Lab. Code § 246(r). 178 Office of the Oakland City Administrator, “COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease and Oakland’s Sick Leave Law,” available at https://cao94612.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/3-12-20_Guidance-to-employees-and-employers-_-COVID-19-KB-with-logo.pdf (last visited Mar. 24, 2024). 179 San Diego Municipal Code, ch. 3, art. 9, div. 1, §§ 39.0101-39.0106, available at http://docs.sandiego.gov/municode/MuniCodeChapter03/Ch03Art09Division01.pdf (last visited Mar. 24, 2024). 180 Lab. Code § 246(r). 181 Santa Monica Municipal Code, art. 4, §§ 4.62.010, 4.62.025, available at http://qcode.us/codes/santamonica/view.php?topic=44_62&showAll=1&frames=on (last visited Mar. 24, 2024). 182 West Hollywood, California Municipal Code tit. 5, art. 5 ch. 5.130, available at https://library.qcode.us/lib/west_hollywood_ca/pub/municipal_code/item/title_5-article_5-chapter_5_130-5_130_030 (last visited Mar. 24, 2024). 183 Id. 184 Id. at ch. 5.130.030(A). 185 Id. at ch. 5.130.030(A)(1). 186 Id. 187 Id. 188 Id. at ch. 5.130.030(A)(3)(c). 189 Id. at ch. 5.130.030(A)(3)(d). 190 Id. 191 Id. at ch. 5.130.030(B).