Mass-Peculiarities: An Employers Guide to Wage & Hour Law in the Bay State 2022 Edition

© 2022 Seyfarth Shaw LLP Massachusetts Wage & Hour Peculiarities, 2022 ed. | 5 same and the performance of labor, business, and work directly or indirectly related thereto” 4 32. The transport of goods by rail, water or air 33. The transport of persons by “licensed carriers” 34. The “transport or processing of fresh meat, fresh poultry, fresh fish, fresh seafoods, fresh dairy products, fresh bakery products, fresh fruits or fresh vegetables, or ice, bees, or Irish moss, when circumstances require that such work be done on Sunday” 35. The transport of livestock and farming equipment for participation in fairs, expositions, or sporting events 36. The operation of hotels 37. “The carrying on of the business of bootblack” before 11 a.m., except at any time at public airports 38. Employment of musicians in parades by a veterans organization or by any civic, religious or fraternal organization 39. Dancing, sports, fairs, plays or other public diversions licensed by a city mayor or town selectmen pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 136, Section 4 or activities such as golf, tennis, bowling, skiing, or any activity in a gymnasium or on any rink, court, or field, for which a charge is made only for the privilege of engaging in the activity and not for being a spectator 40. Work incidental to a religious exercise 41. The operations of an inn or restaurant 42. A business licensed to manufacture or sell alcoholic beverages pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 138 43. The operation of a car wash between 8 a.m. and noon or any time if the business employs no more than two employees at one time 44. The operation of a coin-operated self-service laundry 45. The operation of a coin-operated car wash 4 This provision was amended effect ive August 10, 2016, by An Act Relative to Job Creation and Workforce Development , Chapter 219 of the Act s of 2016. Previously, the exemptionwas limited to “ the t ransport of goods in commerce” and did not extend to “ incidental” act ivit ies.